It is for action orientated women who are leading the climate revolution from within; for women who see simultaneously the incredible opportunities whilst understanding the deep urgency of the climate crises.


We have three goals:

To intentionally gather and connect the world's leading business and climate women.
To power impactful business relationships and unlock climate solutions.
To work with companies and organisations - big and small. Those getting the work done.

We host invitation only events at key climate moments as well as community and partner led gatherings in cities around the world. These moments enable guests to learn from each other, explore deal flow and create connections, encouraging collaboration. We are fast creating a modern rolodex of the most interesting doers in climate; those surfacing realtime problems and positively changing the status quo.

Trust is built in rooms, not virtual rooms.
We put humanity back in the room.

COP29 Baku
NY Climate Week
Get in touch

of our attendees said they made an important business connection at our events
A blended score of 95 across our events
of our attendees said the event opened up meaningful business solutions

Celebrating the women getting the work done

From Saudi to Singapore, from Lagos to LA, the definitive global list of the Top 101 Women in Business and Climate.

The Fin-Erth Climate Awards is a unique initiative celebrating women in business and finance who are spearheading climate action and unlocking solutions that bring systemic change on a global scale. 

These awards spotlight the creative, innovative, and impactful contributions of the women who often operate behind the scenes, and yet whose contribution towards unlocking solutions can often be overlooked.


Nomination Period

October / November

Judging Process


Awards Listicle announced


WEF Davos Uplift event


Schedule of virtual and potentially in-person events for awardees+sponsors


Awards dinner during LCAW


New Nomination Period for Year 2

Awards Categories
The Mavericks
The Mavericks
Those challenging convention and thinking differently. Where would we be without them?
Climate Data & Analytics
Climate Data & Analytics
The data obsessives using and creating new climate insights to unlock fresh thinking and solutions.
Real Estate & The Built Environment
Real Estate & The Built Environment
Those positively addressing the climate impact of one of the world’s most energy-intensive industries.
Natural Capital & Biodiversity
Natural Capital & Biodiversity
From the oceans to the soil, this category is for thinkers and doers working in partnership with nature.
Agriculture & Food
Agriculture & Food
Those reinventing how we feed the world using new innovation and regenerative practice.
Radical collaboration and new systemic models can only be underwritten by enlightened insurance doers. This category is for them.
In partnership with L’Oréal
Those who know that big business has to be the biggest tool of change.
Hard to Abate
Hard to Abate
For the pioneers across challenging sectors that will invariably need to play a big role in the global climate transition.
Unlocking Capital
Unlocking Capital
In partnership with S2G Ventures
Those pushing the status quo by deploying capital to unlock climate solutions across every area of finance.
Energy Transition
Energy Transition
In partnership with MSCI Sustainability Institute
Those accelerating the energy transition.
Simple Explanation of the Process

1. Identify and discover - nominations open on Wednesday 4th September. We are looking for the women who work tirelessly to identify, solve, and unlock business climate solutions. Anyone can nominate someone who they believe fits this criteria!

2. Getting to a shortlist - from the nominations we receive, we will work behind the scenes to narrow down and curate the shortlist alongside our trusted partners and sector experts. Our key focus is always on those that are unlocking solutions and really getting the work done.

3. Shining a spotlight - in early December, we will publish the Fin-Erth 101 Women in Climate Awards list for 2024. Over the next 6 months culminating with an Awards Dinner during London Climate Action Week, we will be bringing these women together (virtually and in person) to support and amplify their work.

Our Nominating Partners
Our Story

Serena Oppenheim and Patrick Keogh are both entrepreneurs and old friends. They came together with a shared vision of putting humanity and data in the room to unlock climate solutions. Through their experience of working across renewable energy, natural capital, material innovation and community, they launched Fin-Erth.

Serena Oppenheim

Patrick Keogh

“Simply put, this was hands down the best networking event I have ever attended!”
Stella Buhrer, KOKO Networks
“After a long few days of ‘Manels’ at COP, joining the Fin-Erth dinner was a breath of fresh air. It was a privilege to meet such an impressive group of women across climate finance &  entrepreneurship. I’m in touch with my table on concrete asks including business development, advisory & fund-raising, as well as some more philosophies topics!”
Naomi Desai, BCG
“Great connections between climate policy and solutions powered by women who want to make a difference!”
Sherri Goodman Secretary General, International Military Council on Climate & Security Us Government
“There are few forces on earth more powerful than a group of women fueled by passion about climate change (and an excellent dinner). I applaud Fin-Erth and its sponsors Cartier and s2gventures for kicking off a cascade of conversation, innovation and action. Onward!”
Rachel Fleishman, Managing Director, Consumer Sectors and Business Transformation, Business for Social Responsibility
“The Fin-Erth MSCI COP28 dinner was brilliant.  This was a group of women who were really doing things, not just talking & observing, but genuinely making things happen. Beyond being inspired by the level of energy and competence, there were at least 10 follow up opportunities from women I sat with including potential investors & corporate partners.”
Lara Naqushbandi, Hyperscale
“It’s exciting and encouraging to see we actually HAVE so many like-minded women near and far. The world is big and small. We just need to find each other and stay focused!”
Roawin Luo, Amcor
“It exceeded my expectations entirely! It's rare to be in a room where everyone is not only extremely interesting and accomplished, but also warm, welcoming and open to collaboration. 10/10 would recommend.”
Hayley Moller, Climate Tech
“I just wanted to send a huge THANK YOU for organizing such a wonderful event – highlight of my COP. Great group of women, and look forward to taking many of these connections forward!”
Kate Wharton, Cross Boundary Partners